Putting my completely rational and unbiased feelings aside, Yorkshire puds can be tricky to get right.  

Common problems include the puddings not rising, being soggy or too crunchy and getting stuck to the pan. Ideally, you want a crispy, golden Yorkshire pud with a nice dimple in the middle to hold the gravy.  

Here’s a  fail-safe recipe to ensure you get them right every time, courtesy of my proper Yorkshire mum:

What you'll need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 200ml Plain Flour
  • Salt
  • Muffin Tin
  • Mug
  • Measuring Jug
  • An oven of course!

Step 1
Fill a mug with plain flour, dig a hole in the middle and crack in the eggs.

Step 2
Add a pinch or two of salt and mix together.

Step 3
Fill the same mug with half milk and half water, then add slowly to your mix, beating well until there are no lumps.

Step 4
Leave to stand for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile, turn the oven on high.

Step 5
Once the oven is hot, grab your muffin tin and add oil of your choice (or lard) to each hold, then place in oven.

Step 6
Once oil or lard is smoking, pour mix into each hole and cook for approximately 15- 30 minutes until golden and risen.

Step 7
Be careful NOT to open the oven door whilst cooking, as the Yorkies will lose shape otherwise!

(Thanks mum!)

Think your recipe is better? Let us know!