What is Blue Monday?

The term was coined in 2005 by Dr Cliff Arnall, who came up with a scientific formula to calculate why we feel a little bluer on this day, which generally falls on the third Monday of January every year. The formula is: [W+(D-d)]xTQ]/MxNA. But here's what it all means in layman’s term’s if you’re struggling to decipher it too (Wikipedia is a very useful tool at times):

  •  W = Weather
  • D= Debt
  • d = monthly salary
  • T = time since Christmas
  • Q = time since failing New Year's resolutions
  •  M = low motivational levels
  • Na = the feeling of a need to take action

But, we are firm believers of making Blue Monday a day to inspire, not to wallow. And with that, we have come up with a few ideas on the best ways to take action.

1) Exercise

Kettlebells and Exercise is The Perfect Way to Beat the Blue Monday January Blues

Because we all know that exercise releases endorphins and endorphins trigger positive feelings in the body! This is a sure proven way to cheer you up, and also shift some of that leftover Christmas weight that just won't budge.

2) Get an Early Night

This idea is simply two-fold: not only does it shorten the day for you, but it also will have you feeling extra fresh for tomorrow; a day that is 364 days away from the next Blue Monday! Why not indulge yourself and put on fresh, clean sheets before you hit the hay, too?

3) Browse Through Old Photos

No, not for the #10YearChallenge, but more so you can relish in the fact that your side fringe is no longer a thing and that you actually CAN grow a bit of a beard now.

4) Make a Cuppa

Orchard Tea Rooms Tea and Coffee

Plain and simple: anything and everything can be made better with a freshly made brew, right?

5) An Act of Kindness

Why not make someone else's day a little less glum by buying the office some treats. or pay for the coffee for the person behind you in the queue too? We have a feeling this one will get you feeling all warm inside

6) Have a Spring Clean

Taking inspiration from Marie Kondo, why not try clearing out some old clothes and trinkets? You could even make a trip to your local charity shop to make your spring clean even more wholesome.

7) Detox From Your Phone With a New Activity

Baking a Cake with Family in the Kitchen, Father and Daughter

Everyone knows that social media can get quite heated at times, so why not switch your phone off and try your hand at something new? Bake a cake, practice yoga or start a jigsaw, the possibilities are endless.